After the lava of a volcanic eruption cascades the environment and hardens, the first spriggs of life appear. The ʻOhiʻa tree displays resilience as it makes its way through the rigid cracks of the newly formed lava rock. Unlike many plants, the ʻOhiʻa tree finds refuge in what we declare an uninhabitable environment; yet it begins the transformation of a new home for wildlife. As active leaders in our communities, we must be like the ʻOhiʻa tree: determined to lead. Only then can we be resilient today, and make change tomorrow.
Resilience Today, Change Tomorrow
Congratulations on becoming a delegate for your school at this year's virtual Secondary Student Conference. The Secondary Student Conference will be held over multiple days in a virtual setting. This annual conference brings students together to discuss current youth issues and ideas for possible change using current legislation at the Hawaii State Capitol. Registration is open to the first 300 participants.
- Pre-Conference #1: February 20, 2021 10am - 1pm
- Pre-Conference #2: March 6, 2021 10am - 1pm
- Conference Day #1: March 15, 2021 10am - 3pm
- Conference Day #2: March 16, 2021 10am - 3pm
The 2021 Secondary Student Conference Resilience Today, Change Tomorrow will be conducted virtually with the use of the platform Zoom.
The conference is open to any middle and high school students along with their SAC or teacher chaperone(s) from both our public and private schools. Registration is limited to the first 300 participants and there is no cost to attend. A designated DOE school employee serving as the Conference Point of Contact (POC) may register students at http://bit.ly/HISSC2021. Every school in attendance will be required to have a POC as we have chosen not to accept registration from individual students or parents due to security and privacy concerns. Conference links and instructions will be sent to the POC and he/she will be responsible to disseminate information and materials to their delegates. The deadline to register is Thursday, February 11, 2021.
Mrs. Tiffany Frias, Educational Specialist for Student Activities
HIDOE Conference Coordinator
Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design (OCID)
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Danielle Castro
Co-Conference Coordinator
Mililani High School
E-mail: [email protected]
HIDOE Conference Coordinator
Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design (OCID)
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Danielle Castro
Co-Conference Coordinator
Mililani High School
E-mail: [email protected]
Saturday, March 6, 2021 | Pre-Conference #2
10:00am Session Convenes, Call to Order
10:15am Committee Time (Meetings)
10:35am Introduction to Breakout Rooms
10:45am Breakout Session #1
11:05am Breakout Session #2
11:25am Testimony Writing
11:50am Committee Time
12:45pm Report Bills and Panelists
12:50pm Next Steps, Group Photo
1:00pm Session End, Adjournmen
10:00am Session Convenes, Call to Order
10:15am Committee Time (Meetings)
10:35am Introduction to Breakout Rooms
10:45am Breakout Session #1
11:05am Breakout Session #2
11:25am Testimony Writing
11:50am Committee Time
12:45pm Report Bills and Panelists
12:50pm Next Steps, Group Photo
1:00pm Session End, Adjournmen
Updated 1/31/2021